Tuesday 6 November 2018


We had a guest speaker, which I thought is a cool thing and the coolest thing was he arrived in the class before our professor did. Our guest speaker mostly went through his experience on how to publish on the Internet. Basically, things we already had some few understanding on but he explained it in detail. We went through lots of stuff to like explaining how 50% of the house in the US use Amazon prime. How technology is taking over us and how dependent we are on it. At the first, he started off like saying how amazing is it to publish on the Internet and compared to when world wide web and Internet were big thins how things have changed. Mostly, this is what I kept hearing. In the middle of the class, I got little bored not to the where I felt sleep because our professor had a paper which was mandatory to fill out for a grade so, I have wake up. Most of the questions focused on the things we already learned about. Honestly, I was sleepy, I had a headache, and I thought it was boring but still I had to force myself to stay awake because of that sheet we had to fill out. Otherwise, I would have been sleeping. To be fair maybe I felt sleepy because I always am but it might be also the case that I felt like he was repeating most of the things our professor already mentioned about and he did not anything new to say.

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